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Money & Influence 12.5.2013

Shareholders and Activists Protest Duke Energy's Political Spending, Environmental Record

Political spending, including more than $1.1 million spent in support of North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory has become a focal point in the debate over how to pay for cleaning up the Dan River coal ash spill and better protect the public against future spills

Money & Influence 12.5.2013

LA Daily News Editorial: Disclose donors - State Senate bill would close nonprofit loophole

It took $11 million dollars to get the Legislature's attention. LA Daily News editorializes on the need for stronger campaign disclosure laws in California. Common Cause is at the front lines pushing for legislation to close loopholes and to shine a light on dark money.

Money & Influence 12.5.2013

Common Cause Massachusetts calls for disclosure law for Super PACs

Common Cause Massachusetts calls for disclosure law for Super PACs

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