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Money & Influence 12.5.2013

CA Campaign Finance Data Set Free

Today, California Secretary of State Debra Bowen announced her plans to make the raw data behind California's lobbyists and campaign finance database available, online, on one spreadsheet available to the public and updated daily. Secretary Bowen's announcement is a reversal from a position she has long held since Common Cause began asking for this disclosure in 2011.

Money & Influence 12.5.2013

Reformers Urge Democratic Governors to Withdraw Challenge to Connecticut's Campaign Finance Law

Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin, head of the DGA, the organizations asserted that a lawsuit filed by the DGA last week puts the governors in league with efforts “by the conservative majority on the Supreme Court to eviscerate campaign finance laws

Money & Influence 12.5.2013

Another election flooded by dark money? Let's hope not

Another election flooded by dark money? Let's hope not

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