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Voting & Elections 10.8.2018

McClatchy: Are wireless voting machines vulnerable? Florida, other states say they’re safe enough

“The convenience of transmitting vote totals online does not outweigh the need of the American people to be assured their votes will be accurately transmitted and counted,” said the letter, which was also endorsed by five citizen and digital rights groups, including Common Cause and the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

New Scorecard Charts Pro-Democracy Positions for Members of the 115th Congress

With Election Day now less than two months away, Common Cause released its 2018 Democracy Scorecard to chart the positions of every Member of Congress on issues vital to the health of our democracy. The reforms in question range from legislation to create a small donor matching fund system and increased disclosure requirements for outside political groups to bills to curb gerrymandering and strengthen the protections in the Voting Rights Act.

Interactive tool starting to look more like organized crime family

The Moscow Project is dedicated to analyzing the facts behind Trump’s collusion with Russia and communicating the findings to the public. It is an initiative of the Center for American Progress.

Voting & Elections 08.13.2018

60 Minutes: What Happened When Russian Hackers Attacked U.S. Election Infrastructure

Bill Whitaker of 60 Minutes takes us to the nondescript strip shopping center in Springfield, Illinois where the first shots were fired by Russia last year in what is now widely understood, by almost everyone but President Trump, as an ongoing cyber attack on our democracy.

Voting & Elections 07.28.2018

Two Hours with Putin vs. 30 Minutes on Election Security

In a tale of two meetings, President Trump met recently with Vladimir Putin for two hours with no one but a translator and still has provided no read-out of the meeting to his top national security advisors. By contrast he met with those top advisors today for thirty minutes about protecting our elections from Russian interference. Whose side is he on?

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