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Election Integrity

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Voting & Elections 06.19.2018

Judge Sends Kris Kobach Back to School

In an unusual rebuke to Kansas' secretary of state, a federal judge also strikes down the state's attempt to require prospective voters to provide documentary proof of citizenship when they register.


Ranked-Choice Voting: Majority Rules in Maine’s New Voting System

Maine voters gave a vote of confidence on Tuesday to a vote-counting system that guarantees elected officials will have majority - not just plurality - support

Voting & Elections 06.13.2018

Senators Probe Election Security Preparedness

Tuesday's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing sought to answer the question: “How well are we prepared if foreign agents attempt to interfere in our upcoming elections?” Judging by the expert testimony, the answer is “not very.”

Voting & Elections 05.24.2018

Wall Street Journal: Remember the Age of Paper Ballots? It’s Back

“The fact is that this is really serious, and it needs the attention that a hostile invasion would get,” says Susannah Goodman, director of a voting-integrity campaign for Common Cause, the government-watchdog group based in Washington, D.C. “Because they did it with bits not bullets, we haven’t responded in the way that we need to,” she says.

‘Spygate:’ Trump’s Own Witch Hunt

By excluding Democrats from a classified briefing on the FBI's use of a confidential informant in the Russia investigation, the president demonstrates he's more interested in confusing the public than pursuing the truth.

Investigating the Investigators: Trump Continues His Assault on Independent Justice

If the president and his enablers are permitted to succeed in their campaign to politicize American justice, it will cease to be justice at all.

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