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Election Integrity

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Voting & Elections 03.13.2018

House Panel Puts Party Over Country In Ending Russia Probe

The House Intelligence Committee’s Republican majority showed off its best ostrich impression late Monday, as members buried their heads in the sand concerning Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election and the Trump campaign’s possible involvement in it.

Voting & Elections 03.12.2018

States Lag In Hardening Voting Systems Against Attacks

A substantial number of states appear to be paying little attention to hard evidence from intelligence and law enforcement agencies that Russian cyber-vandals are working to hack into state election systems in advance of the 2018 midterm elections.

Voting & Elections 03.5.2018

Congress Provided $120 Mil To Counter Cyberattacks; Trump Won't Use It

The State Department has not spent even a penny of the $120 billion set aside by lawmakers to counter Russia’s cyberattacks on American democracy.

Voting & Elections 03.1.2018

Good News From States on Voting Issues

There’s some encouraging news from several states this morning about voting rights and voting security.

Voting & Elections 02.28.2018

We're Not Doing Enough

As Russia attacks our elections, intelligence chief says Trump has given him no authority or direction to retaliate.

Voting & Elections 02.13.2018

Panelists Press for Heightened Election Security

"Election security is national security," the president of a Washington-based think tank that has studied attacks on election systems told a forum on Monday.

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