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Election Integrity

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Voting & Elections 12.14.2017

Trump's Stubborness Blocking Planning to Ward Off Future Cyberattacks

While dismissing past Russian meddling as "fake news," the Trump administration is ignoring the possibility of an electronic attack on future U.S. elections

Voting & Elections 12.12.2017

Election Protection Hotline Open To Assist Alabamians

If you live in Alabama or have friends and/or relatives there, please take a minute to copy this phone number and share it today with any Alabamian who is registered to vote: 866OURVOTE

Voting & Elections 12.11.2017

'Bama Voters Sue to Preserve Senate Ballot Records

Four Alabama voters have filed suit to force election officials to preserve digital records of the votes to be cast in Tuesday’s hotly-contested special election for the U.S. Senate.

Voting & Elections 12.7.2017

Planned Voter Database Would Invite Cyberattack, Security Experts Warn

A group of technology experts and national security officials are sounding an alarm over a presidential commission's effort to build a national voter information database

Voting & Elections 12.1.2017

What Will Trump Do Now?

Even more than every other day of the Trump presidency, this is a day for vigilance.

Voting & Elections 11.29.2017

Republicans May Get Green Light To Resume "Ballot Security" Efforts

A federal judge apparently is on the verge of lifting a decades-old order that blocked the Republican National Committee from a variety of “poll watching” activities that worked to intimidate legally-qualified voters.

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