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Election Integrity

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Voting & Elections 11.28.2017

Kobach Hit With Conflict of Interest Charge

There’s more trouble this week – self-inflicted – for President Trump’s fraudulent “voter fraud” commission.

Voting & Elections 11.20.2017

Harvard Study Warns Campaigns to Guard Against Cyberattacks

A bipartisan group of political operatives and cybersecurity experts is out today with a “Cybersecurity Campaign Playbook,” designed to protect political candidates against electronic hacking – foreign or domestic.

Voting & Elections 11.16.2017

Colorado Launches First-in-Nation Robust Vote Tally Audit Statewide

Election officials in Colorado are setting an example for nation today, taking a critical step to double-check the reported results of last week’s election with a statewide “risk limiting” post-election audit.

Voting & Elections 11.16.2017

Colorado's New Vote Audit Sets Example for the Nation

Colorado is taking an important step this week to ensure that votes are being accurately tallied.

Voting & Elections 11.15.2017

Arizona Repeatedly Obstructed Voters, Groups Charge

A coalition of voting rights groups is accusing Arizona state agencies today of repeatedly violating federal voting laws designed to increase opportunities to register and vote and is demanding that the state’s top voting official fix the problems.

Sessions Weighs Special Prosecutor for Clinton Foundation

President Trump’s long campaign to weaponize the Justice Department against Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party may be about to enter a new and dangerous phase.

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