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Election Integrity

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'He Is Just Always Focused On Russia'

President Trump is working the phones to undercut Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 US election.

Voting & Elections 08.24.2017

Bullheaded Longhorns

A federal judge ripped Texas lawmakers and by extension the Trump administration on Wednesday for continued efforts to stop millions of Texans from voting.

Voting & Elections 08.23.2017

Kobach's Kansas Office Disqualified Alarming Number of Voters

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, co-chairman of President Trump’s “election integrity” commission and arguably the nation’s most aggressive advocate of restricting voting rights, oversaw the disqualification of an alarming number of ballots last year in his home state, reports the Associated Press.

Voting & Elections 08.23.2017

Report Finds States, Localities, Slow to Address Threat of Cyberattacks

A report today from NBC News provides a troubling reminder of how much work state and local election officials have to do to protect voting and voter registration systems against the kind of cyberespionage that marked the 2016 election.

Voting & Elections 08.21.2017

'Election Integrity' Commission Appears Unconcerned With Election Hacking

President Trump’s Commission on Election Integrity is well-stocked with state election officials hostile to efforts to protect critical voting and voter registration systems against electronic hackers, Mother Jones reported over the weekend.

Common Cause Georgia Names Sara Henderson its New Executive Director

Today, Common Cause announced that Sara Henderson has been named Executive Director of Common Cause Georgia where she has worked as Policy Director since January. Sara brings years of political and grassroots experience to the position and has lived in Georgia for more than three decades.

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