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Voting & Elections 08.9.2017

Sessions, Trump, Ask Court to Back Ohio Voter Purge

Tuesday brought a reminder that Attorney General Sessions is well positioned to undermine our democracy and that the Justice Department under his direction is busy at the task.

Voting & Elections 08.8.2017

Common Cause Ohio Condemns DOJ Flip-Flop to Support Ohio Voter Roll Purges

Common Cause Ohio’s response to the U.S. Department of Justice’s filing of an amicus brief in Husted v. A Phillip Randolph Institute, supporting Ohio effort to conduct voter roll purges if the have not voted in the last two years.

Voting & Elections 08.7.2017

Appeals Court Backs Same Day Registration in Illinois

Good news today from Illinois, where a federal appeals court has overturned a lower court ruling that blocked large counties from allowing their residents to register and vote on the same day.

Mueller Must Be Protected

The Trump-Russia investigation and Special Counsel Mueller must be protected. Activists across the country are banding together in a campaign entitled Trump Is Not Above the Law in support of Mueller and to push back —via media work, actions in states, questions at town halls this August and more -- against any effort to remove him or interfere with the special counsel investigation. This network of activists is present in over 180 locations around the nation, has more than 200 initial point persons and is growing daily.

Voting & Elections 08.7.2017

Voting Rights: The Struggle Continues

As the nation marked the 52nd anniversary of the Voting Rights Act over the weekend, there were reminders aplenty that the right to vote is far from secure across America.

Bills Would Protect Mueller's Investigation

Senators left Washington late Thursday with a hopeful sign that they will not tolerate any effort by President Trump to derail Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russia’s meddling in last year’s election and the Trump campaign’s possible involvement in it.

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