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Election Integrity

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Trump Administration Must Give Mueller and Grand Jury a Wide Berth & Full Cooperation

The impaneling of a grand jury to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election hammers home the imperative that the Trump Administration must not interfere with Robert Mueller’s investigation or that of the grand jury. Regardless of whether the President wants to continue to call Russian election interference “fake news,” he and his Administration must take this criminal investigation seriously and offer investigators their full cooperation.

Voting & Elections 07.31.2017

Hackers Demonstrate Election Vulnerabilities

In a matter of minutes over the weekend, a band of self-styled computer nerds demonstrated how voting machines similar to those used in hundreds of precincts across the U.S. can be manipulated to produce wildly inaccurate vote totals.

Voting & Elections 07.27.2017

Thinking About De-registering? Don't Do It!

Not even President Trump’s most fervent admirers take seriously the president’s claim that up to 5 million people cast illegal ballots last fall.

Voting & Elections 07.27.2017

Kobach Pays $1K for Misleading Federal Judge

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, whose deceptive public statements about voter fraud appear to be part of a strategy to advance his political career, is finding that deception doesn’t work so well when it’s directed at federal judges.

President Trump's 'Dereliction of Duty'

President Trump’s latest remarks to the New York Times concerning what he calls “the Russia thing” are an abuse of his power and his responsibility to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.”

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