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'His Own Worst Enemy'

President Trump's tweets this morning about fired FBI Director James Comey have Washington lawyers consulting their impeachment archives from the Nixon and Clinton years.

Voting & Elections 05.11.2017

Starting a Bogus Investigation, Strangling a Real One

To get a sense of the Neverland President Trump and his administration are creating in Washington, consider what’s happening today at the White House.

Voting & Elections 05.11.2017

Comey's Out, But the Russia-Trump Probe Must Continue

There were plenty of good reasons to fire James Comey, but President Trump’s decision to dismiss him now is indefensible and the White House’s explanation for it is laughable,

Voting & Elections 05.10.2017

Small But Important Steps to Protect Our Elections

There’ve been two small but nonetheless encouraging developments this week toward securing the nation’s voting machines against foreign attackers.

Voting & Elections 05.9.2017

Yates and Clapper Testimony & Attacks on French Election Further Prove Need for Independent Commission on Russia Attacks

As more key witnesses testify before Congressional committees it is becoming increasingly clear that only an independent commission can do a credible investigation of the Russian attack on the 2016 presidential investigation. In a new letter to Congress sent today, Common Cause urged Member to convene an independent body with the power and will to follow the investigation wherever it leads.

Voting & Elections 05.9.2017

Voting Rights Groups Sue California for Voter Suppression

Voting rights groups filed a federal lawsuit today against California’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) for its failure to offer federally mandated voter registration opportunities to millions of Californians.

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