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Voting & Elections 02.15.2017

Pressure Builds for Independent Probe of Trump Team Ties to Russia

An energized press and an increasingly restive Congress are ramping up challenges to the Trump administration as evidence mounts of troubling connections between the fledgling presidency and the Russian government.

Voting & Elections 02.14.2017

Flynn Scandal Emphasizes Need for Select Committee Investigation of Russian Election Influence

Democracy, and the American voters’ faith in it, depends on free and fair elections. Voters deserve an impartial investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential race by a Bipartisan Select Committee.

Voting & Elections 02.13.2017

Trump Still Pushing Phony Voter Fraud Claims

Trump senior adviser Stephen Miller doubled down Sunday on the President’s false claim last week that busloads of people crossed from Massachusetts into New Hampshire on Election Day to keep Trump from carrying the Granite State and defeat incumbent Sen. Kelly Ayotte.


Equal Justice for All Americans Endangered by Confirmation of Sessions as Attorney General

Common Cause condemns Senate confirmation of Senator Jeff Sessions as U.S. Attorney General.

Money & Influence 02.8.2017

Groups & Individuals Oppose House Efforts to Kill Presidential Public Financing and EAC

Common Cause and other groups have denounced a House plan to abolish the Election Assistance Commission and end public financing of presidential campaigns.

Voting & Elections 02.6.2017

Trump's Attack on Judge Draws Fire

Trump's attack on the judiciary is drawing flak from Republicans as well as Democrats

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