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Election Integrity

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Voting & Elections 07.20.2016

Federal Courts in Wisconsin, Texas, Step Up to Protect Voters

Common Cause hails court decisions blocking voter suppression laws in Wisconsin and Texas

Voting & Elections 06.16.2016

A Big Win For Kansas Voters

More than 18,000 Kansans whose voter registration applications have been stuck in limbo should be registered to vote in time for the November election.

Voting & Elections 05.10.2016

When People Serve Out Their Sentences, They Should Regain Their Voting Rights

The Delaware Senate today passed legislation restoring voting rights to most people who've completed prison sentences.

Voting & Elections 05.5.2016

California DMV Takes Important First Steps Toward Improving Voter Registration Services

An update on efforts to make registration easier for residents of the Golden State

Voting & Elections 04.28.2016

Updated: A Young Voter's Story of Confusion and Misinformation at the Polls

Peter Flynn, 17, a senior at Middletown High School in Middletown, CT, ran into a bureaucratic buzzsaw when he went to cast his first-ever vote on Tuesday

Voting & Elections 03.23.2016

In Too Many Places, the Machinery of Our Elections Is Still Broken

In Arizona, Utah and Idaho, thousands of people stood for hours in line to vote on Tuesday

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