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Election Integrity

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Voting & Elections 08.27.2014

New 'Risk Limiting' Audits Promise More Accurate Vote Counts

Arapahoe County, CO, has successfully tested a new risk limiting audit to verify election returns

Voting & Elections 07.7.2014

Who are Voter ID Laws Really Affecting?

Partisan politicians are building obstacles to bar blacks and other ethnic minorities from voting. This is hardly new -- historical policies like poll taxes and literacy tests were race neutral but disproportionately targeted Blacks, much like today’s anti-voter laws.

Voting & Elections 07.1.2014

Hawaii Makes Strides in Election Participation

Hawaii is making strides toward greater participation in their elections. In an effort to combat the state’s current low voter turnout and expand access to the ballot box, Governor Neil Abercrombie has signed a bill allowing voters to register at absentee polling places beginning in 2016, paving the way for Election Day registration to begin in 2018.

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