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Election Protection

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Voting & Elections 11.4.2016

Oregon Officials Probing Deceptive Robocalls to Voters

Oregon's secretary of state is looking into reports that some voters are getting robocalls that tell them they're not registered and can't vote

Voting & Elections 10.28.2016

Voter Suppression is an Affront to Democracy

Common Cause statement on reports that the Trump-Pence campaign is engaged in voter suppression.

Voting & Elections 10.20.2016

Common Cause Recruiting Thousands for Election Protection Work to Prevent Voter Suppression & Possible Intimidation Tactics

Common Cause Recruiting Thousands for Election Protection Work to Prevent Voter Suppression & Possible Intimidation Tactics

Voting & Elections 10.4.2016

Let's say it again: Voter fraud is not the problem

The November election will be the first in 50 years conducted without the full protection of the Voting Rights Act, a development that heightens the importance of volunteer efforts to see that every voter has convenient, unobstructed access to the ballot. But with Election Day just five weeks away, some political leaders are stoking unfounded fears about voter fraud and recruiting volunteers bent on suppressing rather than boosting turnout.

Voting & Elections 09.9.2016

How to Truly Protect the Vote

Election Day, every school kid learns, is the one day when we are all truly equal and when we come together to make decisions that impact the whole country.

Voting & Elections 08.18.2016

The Secret Ballot at Risk: Recommendations for Protecting Democracy

“On Election Day, we all are equal. The Secret Ballot ensures voters that employers’ political opinions stop at the ballot box,” said Susannah Goodman, director of Common Cause's national Voting Integrity Campaign. “The Secret Ballot was established for a reason. The Secret Ballot ensures that we can all vote our conscience without undue intimidation and coercion.”

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