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Inspectors General Must Review Travel & Expenses of High Flying Cabinet

Government scrutiny of the travel abuses by cabinet members must continue despite the resignation of Tom Price. Questionable and excessive travel costs are being regularly unearthed by the media. The inspector general of every department and agency should review travel and other expense compliance of top appointees.

Quite a Ride: Trump Team Flies First Class on Private Jets

President Trump's cabinet is giving one segment of the economy a big boost, much to Trump’s embarrassment.

'A Clear and Dangerous Abuse of Power'

President Trump’s pardon of former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio is a clear and dangerous abuse of power, worthy of censure by Congress.

'He Is Just Always Focused On Russia'

President Trump is working the phones to undercut Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 US election.

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