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Trump Bypassing Senate to Install Nominees in Top Jobs

The Trump administration may be violating a federal law that requires the president to wait for the Senate to confirm his nominees for senior government positions before putting those nominees to work.

McCain, Biden, and Politics In the Trump Era

On Monday night in Philadelphia’s historic Independence Hall, John McCain and Joe Biden, fiercely partisan adversaries who hoped to be president, showed off a friendship that transcends politics on Monday and recalled a time when Democrats and Republicans in Washington could put country over party to actually get things done.

Trump’s Threat Against NBC Broadcast License an Attempt to Intimidate

“This madcap threat, if pursued, would be blatant and unacceptable intervention in the decisions of an independent agency. The law does not countenance such interference."

Mike Pence's Sunday Stunt

The vice president's gesture of 'respect' for the flag betrays disrespect for the Americans he's supposed to be serving

Senate Intelligence Committee Must Disclose More About Russian Election Attacks

Americans deserve to know more about the Russian attack to sway the 2016 presidential race and Congress owes them some answers. Without undermining the investigation or any intelligence assets, Congress needs to share more of its findings with the American people. To date most of what citizens know about the attacks comes from media reports.

Big Energy's Campaign Cash Wins a Big Friend at EPA

Today’s New York Times opens a window into the return big energy is getting on its investments in the 2016 presidential race.

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