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Executive Ethics

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Walter Shaub, Federal Government's Ethics Watchdog, Is Moving On

President Trump has paid little attention to federal ethics requirements since he took office and starting today – unfortunately - he’ll probably pay even less.

Resignation of Federal Ethics Chief Another Troubling Sign for Trump White House

The resignation of Office of Government Ethics Director Walter Shaub is another troubling sign for the ethically-challenged Trump White House.

Speaker Ryan Urged to Enforce Rep. Nunes’ Recusal from Russia Investigation in Light of New Threats

Today, Common Cause urged Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) to force House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes’ (R-CA) to fully recuse from the committee’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election after Nunes threatened to “take the investigation over.”

Common Cause Urges Sean Spicer to Make White House Accountable to the American People and Allow Cameras Back Into the Daily Press Briefings

Today, Common Cause urged White House communications director Sean Spicer to return to established norms and allow cameras and live audio feeds at daily White House press briefings.

Congress Moves to Protect Whistleblowers at the VA

Congress moved last week to protect whistleblowers in the scandal-plagued Department of Veterans Affairs and to make it easier for officials to discipline or fire VA employees who neglect or mistreat patients.

Common Cause, Allies, Seek Review of Trump Contacts with Justice Department

Common Cause is among the co-signers of a letter sent today urging U.S. Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz to examine and make recommendations designed to stop improper contacts by President Trump and the White House with officials of the Department of Justice accountable.

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