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Voting & Elections 09.20.2017

Gerrymandering, Voter ID Laws Put Fair Representation At Risk

In a panel discussion on Tuesday a Virginia state legislator and representatives of the Campaign Legal Center (CLC) and the A. Philip Randolph Institute (APRI) shared insights on challenges to democracy.

Voting & Elections 09.15.2017

Poll Shows Strong Bipartisan Opposition to Partisan Gerrymandering

A new survey by a bipartisan team of pollsters says Americans overwhelmingly disapprove of partisan gerrymandering, a centuries-old issue that the Supreme Court is slated to take up next month.

Voting & Elections 09.6.2017

Common Cause Files SCOTUS Brief & Coordinates Amici in Landmark Challenge to Wisconsin Partisan Gerrymander

Late yesterday, Common Cause filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court in Gill v. Whitford in support of plaintiffs’ challenge to Wisconsin’s partisan gerrymander which was ruled unconstitutional by a federal three-judge panel. Common Cause also played a key role in coordinating amici in the case.

Voting & Elections 09.6.2017

Blockbuster Coalition Looks to Bust Partisan Gerrymandering

An unprecedented cadre of political leaders and good government groups, including Common Cause, has joined forces to ask the Supreme Court to outlaw partisan gerrymandering.

Voting & Elections 08.29.2017

Breaking News: Common Cause Challenge to Partisan Gerrymandering Headed to Trial

A panel of federal judges ruled Tuesday afternoon that the case of Common Cause v. Rucho can proceed to trial, denying a request by lawyers for the state legislature to delay the lawsuit. The case challenges partisan gerrymandering in North Carolina.

Voting & Elections 08.23.2017

Texas-sized Mistake

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has decided to carry the state’s fight for racial gerrymandering to the U.S. Supreme Court.

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