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Voting & Elections 05.22.2017

Supreme Court Strikes Down North Carolina Redistricting

The Supreme Court gave voting rights activists in North Carolina an important victory this morning, upholding a lower court ruling that the state legislature packed African-American voters into two congressional districts in an effort to dilute their voting strength elsewhere.

Voting & Elections 05.12.2017

Attempt to Gut Florida’s Ban on Partisan Gerrymandering Fails

Redistricting reform advocates stopped an attempt to place severe limits on the ability of Floridians to use the state’s Fair Districts Amendments to hold legislators accountable for gerrymandering.

Voting & Elections 05.3.2017

Common Cause Wisconsin Joins Panel to Discuss an End to Gerrymandering

Common Cause Wisconsin Executive Director Jay Heck joined University of Wisconsin Political Science Professor David Canon and John Nichols of The Nation and The Capital Times to discuss gerrymandering in Wisconsin. Organizing For Action sponsored the event, which attracted a full house at the Alicia Ashman Library in Madison. Common Cause Wisconsin also sponsored the event along with Fair Elections Project, Indivisible Madison, and Citizen Action.

Voting & Elections 04.13.2017

Gerrymander Gazette | April 2017

The Gerrymander Gazette is a monthly newsletter that gives you the latest updates on the fight for fair representation happening in courtrooms, state legislatures, and localities across the United States.

Voting & Elections 04.10.2017

Last Week Tonight Tackles Redistricting

John Oliver and the team from Last Week Tonight did a hilarious, informative, and occasionally crude piece on gerrymandering on Sunday.

Voting & Elections 04.10.2017

Governator Talks Gerrymandering Solutions

Former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger discussed how we can end gerrymandering on The Messy Truth with Van Jones last week.

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