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Voting & Elections 08.5.2016

Time to end gerrymandering of legislative districts

The last year has been pretty good to Alexander Hamilton. The Revolutionary War hero and Treasury secretary is the subject of a smash-hit musical that has reinvigorated interest in his life and done wonders for his legacy.

Voting & Elections 08.5.2016

Gerrymandering is bad for business in North Carolina

Over 100 CEOs of prominent corporations have urged North Carolina lawmakers to rethink the passage of House Bill 2, approved in just a day to block Charlotte’s anti-discrimination ordinance. And nearly half of North Carolina voters want to repeal HB2, according to recent survey results from Public Policy Polling.

Voting & Elections 08.5.2016

Celebrate birthday by ending gerrymander in Delaware

The last year has been pretty good to Alexander Hamilton. The $10 founding father without a father, Secretary of the Treasury, and Revolutionary War hero is the subject of a smash-hit musical that has reinvigorated interest in his life and done wonders for his legacy.

Voting & Elections 07.27.2016

Copy of Gerrymander Gazette | July 27, 2016

Unpacking, uncracking and unstacking redistricting news since 2016.

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