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Voting & Elections 03.4.2015

Common Cause Breaks Down Supreme Court Arguments in Case Challenging Independent Redistricting

Kathay Feng breaks down oral arguments in Arizona State Legislature v. Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission.

Voting & Elections 03.3.2015

Our Secret Weapons Against Gerrymandering: Adorable Pterodactyls

Maryland’s 3rd Congressional District, one of the most gerrymandered in the country, was once described by a federal judge as resembling “a broken-winged pterodactyl lying prostrate across the center of the state.” As a result, it only seemed appropriate to allow two small and cute pterodactyls to stand up for reform.

Voting & Elections 03.2.2015

Direct Democracy Directly At Risk

The Supreme Court is set to determine whether citizens may participate in decision making related to election integrity. If the answer is No, the public will lose a crucial tool in place since the country’s founding. Specifically, the Court is considering whether citizens may be considered part of their state legislatures when initiating referenda on the “times, places and manner of holding elections,” as prescribed by the Elections Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

Voting & Elections 03.2.2015

Like Asking the Foxes to Guard the Statehouse

The U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments today in Arizona State Legislature v. Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission, a case with national implications for efforts to end the gerrymandering of congressional districts. Common Cause National Redistricting Director Kathay Feng issued the following statement after arguments:

Voting & Elections 02.27.2015

Five Reasons to Care About Arizona State Legislature v. Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission

Redistricting doesn’t always capture the public’s imagination, but here are five reasons why you should care about Arizona State Legislature v. Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission and the problem of gerrymandering.

Voting & Elections 02.11.2015

Common Cause Georgia Backs Redistricting Reform in State Senate Hearing

Common Cause Georgia Executive Director William Perry testified in front of the Georgia Senate’s Reapportionment and Redistricting Committee this week in support of redistricting reform.

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