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Voting & Elections 11.7.2014

Independent-Minded Lawmakers Headline Nov.10 Forum on Gerrymandering

Common Cause hosting forum on gerrymandering in Annapolis

John Oliver Skewers ALEC

Last night, comedian John Oliver had some choice words for some state legislatures and the extreme bills coming out of them. The whole segment is worth a watch, especially Oliver's send-up of the American Legislative Exchange Council, the shadowy corporate lobby rewriting bills across our nation.

Voting & Elections 10.29.2014

Lower Hudson Valley’s The Journal News Editorializes against New York Proposal 1

The Journal News opposes Proposal 1.

Voting & Elections 10.27.2014

North Carolina Redistricting Event Spotlights Bipartisan Support for Reform

North Carolina redistricting event features a Republican and a Democratic member of the House of Representatives.

Voting & Elections 10.24.2014

Gerrymandering Assures Minimum Competition in Pennsylvania Legislative Elections

Gerrymandering reduces competition in Pennsylvania legislative elections.

Voting & Elections 10.24.2014

Florida Redistricting Arguments Set for March 4

Florida Supreme Court will hear redistricting arguments March 4.

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