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Voting & Elections 08.4.2014

Cap Times Urges Wisconsin Candidates to Take a Stand for Redistricting Reform

The Cap Times of Wisconsin published an editorial urging state legislature candidates to take Common Cause Wisconsin’s pledge to support unbiased redistricting. Common Cause Wisconsin is publishing a list of candidates who voice their support for a redistricting proposal that would take the partisan politics out of the process for drawing legislative boundaries.

Voting & Elections 08.1.2014

Common Cause Hails Florida Judge's Redistricting Ruling

A federal judge ordered Florida officials today to redraw the state's congressional districts in time for the 2014 election.

Voting & Elections 07.25.2014

Common Cause Wisconsin Shines a Spotlight on Legislators’ Redistricting Views

Common Cause Wisconsin is calling on state legislators to replace the manipulation of legislative districts for partisan advantage with a fair redistricting process.

Voting & Elections 07.25.2014

Florida Redistricting Decision Coming Next Week

A Florida judge who ruled that the state’s congressional districts violated state constitutional protections against drawing lines for partisan gain delayed a decision about whether to redraw districts before the November midterm elections. Common Cause is a plaintiff in the case. In a hearing yesterday, Circuit Judge Terry Lewis stated that he planned to issue a ruling next week.

Voting & Elections 07.17.2014

Common Cause Maryland Hosts Birthday Party for Gerrymandering's Namesake

Common Cause Maryland hosted a birthday party Thursday for Elbridge Gerry, widely credited as the first politician to perfect the dark art of manipulating legislative lines for partisan purposes. Gerry, a former Vice President and Massachusetts governor, signed into law oddly shaped districts meant to solidify his party’s majority in the legislature while he was governor. The Boston Gazette drew a political cartoon in 1812 comparing one of the districts to a salamander and naming the district a “gerrymander.”

Voting & Elections 07.11.2014

Major Victory for Florida Voters

A Florida circuit court yesterday ruled that the state’s congressional lines violated state constitutional requirements that redistricting be done in a nonpartisan manner. Common Cause was a plaintiff to the lawsuit along with League of Women Voters of Florida, National Council of La Raza, and several Florida voters.

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