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Voting & Elections 06.22.2021

50 Senators Vote to Advance Boldest Democracy Package in Nearly 50 Years, But Republican Senators Block It with a Filibuster and Refuse to Even Allow a Debate

Tonight, there were no surprises in the opening act of the push to pass the For the People Act in the United States Senate. But grassroots momentum continues to build in a fight that will go on all summer as we continue to make the case to the American people and their representatives in Washington that this legislation must be passed to expand the freedom to vote, break the grip of big money in politics, end gerrymandering, and crack down on corruption.  

Voting & Elections 06.22.2021

Los Angeles Times: GOP set to block Democrats’ voting-rights bill in Senate. Activists plan pressure campaign

“Our summer of mobilization and grassroots actions to pass this bill will continue. Democracy will prevail. Failure is not an option,” Karen Hobert Flynn, president of government watchdog Common Cause, said in a statement.

Voting & Elections 06.21.2021

Washington Post: Activists gear up for battle as Senate Republicans prepare to block voting rights bill

Stephen Spaulding, senior counsel with Common Cause, said Tuesday’s vote is “the first step in a concerted summer-long fight to get this bill across the finish line.” “It’s by no means over tomorrow,” he said.

Voting & Elections 06.21.2021

Common Cause Urges Senators to Vote “Yes" to Advance the For the People Act

Today, Common Cause urged every member of the U.S. Senate to vote “yes” to advance the For the People Act in a vote expected later this week. The letter notes that Common Cause plans to score this vote in the next version of our Democracy Scorecard which we send to our 1.5 million members. The pro-voter, anti-corruption bill contains the most comprehensive set of democracy reforms to be introduced in Congress since the post-Watergate reforms were passed in the 1970s. The letter emphasizes that our democracy faces a crisis in the wake of insurrectionists storming the Capitol and hundreds of GOP voter suppression bills – largely targeting Black and Brown Americans - introduced in state legislatures since Republicans lost the White House and control of the Senate in the November election. It points to the fact that at least 14 states have already passed nearly two dozen restrictive voting bills already this year.


CNN (VIDEO): Common Cause's Stephen Spaulding Discusses The For the People Act on CNN’s Smerconish

Stephen Spaulding, Common Cause Sr. Counsel for Policy & Government Affairs, discusses The For the People Act on ABC News Live the day before the bill was scheduled for markup in the Senate Rules Committee.

Reuters: Colorado leads U.S. states with first look at new congressional districts

"Colorado is modeling how the country could be governing itself in the future," said Kathay Feng, the national redistricting director for good-government watchdog Common Cause. "It is an explicit rejection of the scorched-earth tactic that has been used by some party leaders, a way of demonstrating that we can bring people back to the table and make democracy work," Feng said.

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