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NPR: 55 Years Later, Lawyer Will Again Argue Over Redistricting Before Supreme Court

55 years later, Common Cause Lawyer Emmet Bondurant is set to argue before the Supreme Court again. This time he's asking the court to block partisan redistricting in North Carolina. Although the state is closely politically divided, the legislature ensured that Republicans would dominate the congressional delegation. Bondurant has no plans to retire, or quit trying to improve democracy in the country through the courts. "I'd rather spend my time doing that than playing golf, in part because I play golf so badly that the opportunity not to play is itself a positive," Bondurant said. "But, this is really important stuff, and it's very fundamental."

Lamone v Benisek: A Frustration with Gerrymandering Led One Man to the Supreme Court

Steve Shapiro was an engineer, a Democrat in Maryland, and a member of Common Cause. His frustration with his own state party and the way they gerrymandered district lines in 2011 led him to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Associated Press: GOP redistricting edge moderated Democrats’ 2018 gains

“Gerrymandering as a whole cheats voters out of our representation,” said Love Caesar, a student at North Carolina A&T State University who works with Common Cause, an advocacy group that is a lead plaintiff in the case. ... “It’s hard to explain to students who are already skeptical about the voting process ... that the state intentionally diluted their power in voting by putting this line back here in between our campus,” said North Carolina A&T student Kylah Guion, who also works with Common Cause.

Gerrymandering Funnies: John Oliver April 9, 2017

As the Supreme Court considers Rucho v. Common Cause, we remember some of our favorite gerrymandering moments, this one from John Oliver's Last Week Tonight on HBO from April 9, 2017.

Everything you never wanted to know, but really need to, about how politicians are stealing your votes

As the Supreme Court considers Rucho v. Common Cause we bring you some of the best videos that explain the issue. This is the long form documentary "How Elections Are Rigged" by Snag Films, 2016.

Never Voted With Fair Maps: Q and A with Love Caesar

As the U.S. Supreme Court prepares to hear a historic challenging to partisan gerrymandering in North Carolina, Love Caesar, an NC A&T student, gives her perspective on the state of gerrymandering and voting rights.

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