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PA House Republicans Continue Undemocratic Political Redistricting Power Grabs

Pennsylvanians should be choosing their elected representatives, not the other way around. The courts made that abundantly clear when they threw out the hideously biased map drawn by the legislature. But yesterday Pennsylvania House State Government Chair Daryl Metcalfe revealed that he missed the message and that he and, certain lawmakers remain unwilling to show due deference to the citizens, the constitution or the welfare of our state.

Gerrymander Gazette | April 2018

The fight for redistricting reform is progressing in the courts, at the grassroots, and in the halls of government across America.

Voting & Elections 04.4.2018

Common Cause & Voting Rights Institute File SCOTUS Brief in Challenge to Texas Racial Gerrymander

Today, Common Cause and the Voting Rights Institute filed an amici brief in the U.S. Supreme Court in Abbott v. Perez, in support of a challenge to Texas legislative districts twice found by lower courts to be discriminatory racial gerrymanders perpetrated by the state Legislature. The maps drawn after the 2010 Census, were initially found to violate the Voting Rights Act by a U.S. District Court in 2011 but were reinstituted by the Legislature in 2013 without change.

Hobert Flynn Details Threat to Accurate Census

Common Cause President Karen Hobert Flynn appeared today on CounterSpin, a daily podcast hosted by Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR), to discuss the controversy over a proposed citizenship question on the 2020 Census

Voting & Elections 03.28.2018

Justices Hearing Landmark Redistricting Case Today

Benisek v. Lamone, being argued this morning in the Supreme Court, raises what is arguably the most important question before the justices in their current term and could permanently transform American politics – for the better.

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