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Money & Influence 03.27.2018

Maryland, Pennsylvania Move To Lower Barriers To Voting

A pair of mid-Atlantic states are adding to the national momentum for new laws that remove needless barriers to voting and break big money’s hold on our elections.

Distorting the Picture

Plans to add a question about citizenship to the 2020 Census will skew the count in favor of Republicans and leave millions of people unrepresented in Congress,.statehouses, and city and county councils.

Voting & Elections 03.23.2018

Pivotal Hearing on Partisan Gerrymandering Coming Next Week

Amid what one veteran democracy activists calls "a revolution" in redistricting, the Supreme Court hears arguments next week in a possibly-landmark challenge to partisan gerrymandering.

Voting & Elections 03.21.2018

WATCH: Hill Briefing On Partisan Gerrymandering

U.S. Reps. Rod Blum, R-IA, and Alan Lowenthal, D-CA, joined Atlanta attorney Emmet Bondurant and Common Cause’s Marilyn Carpinteyro on Tuesday to brief reporters on the importance of independent redistricting and the current wave of legal challenges to partisan gerrymandering.

Voting & Elections 03.20.2018

Supreme Court Signs Off on New Pennsylvania Districts

Pennsylvanians will vote this spring and in November in congressional districts that have been re-fashioned to wipe out a bias for Republican candidates, the U.S. Supreme Court decided on Monday.

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