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Associated Press: New Mexico Voters to Decide on Need for Ethics Commission

Heather Ferguson, executive director of New Mexico Common Cause, said an ethics commission will help build trust in government. Aside from investigating possible corruption, she told the Santa Fe New Mexican that a commission would serve as an educational tool for officials seeking to avoid violating laws. She said the panel should be able to provide opinions much faster than the state attorney general's office, which also weighs in on questions from lawmakers and others.

Money & Influence 09.17.2018

USA Today: Ted Cruz solicits campaign donations with 'summons enclosed' mailer

"These Cruz campaign mailers are slimy but seemingly legal," said Paul Ryan, a top lawyer with the watchdog group Common Cause. "The FEC has long held that an accurate 'paid for by' disclaimer on a candidate communication is a complete defense against any allegation of fraudulent misrepresentation."

Ten Principles for Reforming the Rules of the House of Representatives

The following recommendations to reform the rules of the House of Representatives will do much to restore the capacity, incentives, and capability of representatives to fulfill their roles as legislators.

Letter to Congress Submitting Ten Principles for Reforming the Rules of the House of Representatives

We submit for your consideration the following ten principles for reforming the rules of the House of Representatives

Newsweek: Donald Trump is leading 'Campaign of Smear and Intimidation' Against Bruce Ohr's Wife Nellie, Democrat Says

“I don't recall ever seeing a president going so vociferously after the spouses of civil servants,” said Stephen Spaulding, with the non-partisan good government organization Common Cause. “On the Hill, disclosure rules might apply to an immediate family member. Nothing we have seen in the past is comparable to what we are seeing with Trump and especially out of the White House. And these are absolutely smear tactics. You see a pattern of behavior where he is absolutely willing to go after spouses of people.”

Money & Influence 08.29.2018

San Diego Union-Tribune: Beyond the deep state witch hunt, Hunter defense could focus on campaign rule 'gray areas'

“I don’t really see a lot of gray area here,” said Paul Seamus Ryan, a campaign law expert and vice president for policy and litigation at Common Cause in Washington, D.C. “There appears to me to be an awful lot of expenses that the Hunters were indicted for that aren’t allowed by the FEC, and aren’t close calls at all.”

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