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Common Cause Urges Governors, Mayors to Shut Down Political Non-profits

Mayor Bill de Blasio's Campaign for One New York was the target of complaints about possible campaign finance violations

Common Cause Urges Congressional Select Committee Investigation of Flint Water Crisis

Statement by Wendy Fields, Common Cause Vice President, calls for full investigation of lead poisoning in Flint, MI water supply.

Open Government Groups Applaud Senate Public Records Legislation, Call it a Strong Reform

The Massachusetts State Senate today released legislation to reform the Massachusetts public records law and announced a vote on the subject next week. Open government groups, which comprise the steering committee of the Massachusetts Freedom of Information Alliance, lauded the reform and called for swift passage. The new bill, released by the Senate Ways and Means Committee today, follows passage of a much weaker bill in the House of Representative last November.

Common Cause, Allies, Urge Moratorium on Privately-Funded Trips by Lawmakers

House Speaker Paul Ryan should suspend privately-funded foreign travel by House members and staff and launch a formal review of the rules governing it, Common Cause and other advocacy organizations said today.

Statement by Miles Rapoport on the indictment of Sen. Bob Menendez

The indictment returned against Sen. Bob Menendez today alleges a gross abuse of the public trust. While he is of course presumed innocent at this point, Sen. Menendez should step aside from his position as ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee until this matter is resolved.

Schock's Downfall Highlights Gaps in House Ethics Enforcement, Training

The resignation of Rep. Aaron Schock makes an open and shut case for stronger ethics enforcement and training in Congress, Common Cause said today.

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