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Legislative Ethics

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In McDonnell Case, the Real Scandal is What's Legal

The legal system has delivered justice to Bob McDonnell; Virginians should now insist that the political system deliver for them – in the form of tough, sensible campaign finance laws -- Common Cause said today.

Statement on the Recommendations of Virginia's Commission on Integrity and Public Confidence in State Government

The recommendations adopted by the commission today are a welcome step toward a long-overdue strengthening of ethics enforcement in the Commonwealth. We’re particularly pleased with the proposal for creation of an Ethics Review Commission, with authority to initiate and conduct investigations of malfeasance, disclosure and ethics complaints and to impose civil penalties where appropriate.

Common Cause, Allies Call on Congressional Leaders to Extend Independent Ethics Office

Common Cause joined with other reform groups and distinguished citizens to urge House leaders to extend the Office of Congressional Ethics in the next Congress

Boehner, Camp Profit From Corporate Bid to Avoid U.S. Tax

Two top Republican lawmakers profited from a corporate tax-avoidance maneuver that the U.S. Treasury Department is seeking to curb.

Statement of Common Cause on Secret Decision by House Committee on Ethics to Weaken Congressional Travel Disclosure

Common Cause was extremely disappointed to learn of the House Committee on Ethics’ decision to weaken disclosure requirements for privately-funded travel for members of Congress and staff.

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