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President Trump and the ‘Post-Truth’ Era

A former CIA chief argues that the the president is a product, not a cause, of a profound shift in the way millions of our fellow citizens and people around the world perceive the world.

Money & Influence 05.2.2018

Nebraska Lobbyists Set Another Spending Record

$17.5 million investment represents a 26 percent jump in five years.

Bipartisan Group of Senators Pushing New Bill to Protect Mueller Probe

There are encouraging signs that congressional leaders finally are getting serious about protecting the special counsel and his work.

As Trump Threatens Mueller Firing, Activists Sound An Alarm

More than 300,000 people are ready to take to the streets for peaceful protests if President Trump fires Special Counsel Robert Mueller or acts to shut down his investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Voting & Elections 04.9.2018

’60 Minutes’ Probes Russia’s Election Hacking, US Response

CBS report highlights gaps in U.S. election security

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