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Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Challenge to Filibuster Rule

“The Supreme Court’s refusal to hear Common Cause’s case challenging the constitutionality of the U.S. Senate’s filibuster rule is both shortsighted and ominous,” Common Cause President Miles Rapoport said today. “Instead of protecting debate, the 60-vote filibuster rule has shut down discussion on important legislation, from a living wage to addressing climate change.

Common Cause, Members of Congress, and DREAM Act Beneficiaries Ask Supreme Court to Throw Out Senate's 60-Vote Filibuster Rule

Common Cause has petitioned the Supreme Court to hear its challenge to the Senate's filibuster rule

How going nuclear unclogged the Senate

The Senate barely does anything these days — except approve judges that could shape the law for a generation. Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2014/08/how-going-nuclear-unclogged-the-senate-110238.html#ixzz3B8QBNyH3

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