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Media & Democracy 10.2.2020

Bloomberg: FCC, Broadcasters Get Top Court Hearing on Ownership Rules

Advocacy organizations led by Prometheus Radio Project are fighting the FCC changes. They called the 3rd Circuit ruling an “unremarkable” decision that merely required the commission to explain how the changes would affect its longstanding goal of increasing ownership diversity. The FCC may not “expressly embrace ownership diversity as an important policy goal yet fail to reasonably consider how its repeal of major broadcast-ownership restrictions would affect that goal,” argued the group, which includes Common Cause and the National Organization for Women.

Voting & Elections 05.15.2020

Democracy Safeguards Included in Second COVID-19 Stimulus Package - HEROES Act

The HEROES Act takes critical steps to help secure essential pillars of our democracy undermined by the COVID-19 pandemic while providing a huge boost to address the public health and economic crises. The bill provides important bulwarks to help safeguard our elections, the Census, the U.S. Postal Service, and includes enhanced oversight requirements for the stimulus package that were sorely lacking in CARES Act passed by Congress in late March.

Media & Democracy 05.12.2020

The Nation: Journalism Cannot Be a Covid-19 Casualty

“Local media is a critical source of news and information for communities, holds our government accountable, and plays an important role in our civic engagement,” argues former member of the Federal Communications Commission Michael Copps, who now counsels Common Cause on media issues. “But the health crisis our nation faces combined with the long-term decline in local news has left many communities without adequate sources of trustworthy news on the pandemic and has created a void in civic information. Congress must act now to ensure local news is adequately funded in order to meet the information needs of communities.”

Media & Democracy 05.7.2020

Common Cause Responds to FCC Enforcement Against Sinclair

Yesterday, the Federal Communications Commission announced a $48 million civil penalty against Sinclair Broadcasting Group, the second largest media conglomerate in the nation. The fine is part of a consent decree closing three investigations including one where the FCC questioned whether Sinclair engaged in misrepresentation and a lack of candor in its attempt to acquire Tribune Media Company.

Media & Democracy 04.8.2020

Congress Must Include Local News Funding in Next COVID-19 Stimulus 

(Washington, DC) –Today, a coalition of nearly 50 organizations and media scholars joined Common Cause, PEN America, and Free Press in a letter calling on Congress to include vital funding for local news in the next stimulus package proposed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The letter explains that House and Senate leadership should consider local press an industry vital to the nation’s health, prosperity, and recovery.

Media & Democracy 01.12.2020

Seattle Times (Op-Ed): 2020: The Year America Gets Its Act Together

Voting is, of course, the first step in democracy reform. But getting meaningful positive change requires so much more. Citizen involvement, working together, demanding to be informed, organizing on the issues, getting commitments from candidates, and then holding them accountable, is more demanding. Yet it is the price of democracy.Will we pay that price? We are paying dearly now for things that disserve our country, so maybe nourishing the roots of self-government isn’t such a heavy price to pay after all. This is the year of decision. We have the opportunity now in 2020 to put America on course to what it can and should be. Let’s seize the opportunity — while we still have it.

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