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Media & Democracy 05.13.2019

Broadcasting & Cable: Proposed Apollo TV Station Purchases Face Tough Opposition Common Cause files petition to deny; ATVA has big problems

Common Cause on Monday (May 13) filed a petition to deny the deals at the FCC, saying that the 25 TV stations Apollo would own meant putting a lot of broadcast ownership in a private equity firm, something Common Cause's special adviser, former FCC chairman Michael Copps, says has historically not been a public benefit. "History has shown that the quality of our news and information has significantly diminished under private equity control. These firms typically implement cost cutting strategies that bleed newspapers dry, leading to reporter layoffs and consolidated newsrooms," said Copps. "The profits generated from cutting costs are not invested into improving the news but rather to pay off loans and manage debt. Apollo’s entry into the broadcast market invites serious skepticism that it would benefit localism and viewpoint diversity instead of following the traditional model of laying off reporters and consolidating newsrooms." The petition identified a number of speculative harms, saying that if private equity firms' past was prologue, "Apollo would likely layoff reporters, consolidate newsrooms, and homogenize programming in order to maximize its profits."

Media & Democracy 04.15.2019

Common Cause Files Reply Brief Challenging FCC Deregulatory Actions Harming Broadcast Ownership Diversity

On Friday, Common Cause joined Prometheus Radio Project, Media Mobilizing Project, Free Press, Office of Communication, Inc. of the United Church of Christ, and National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians-Communications Workers of America in filing a reply brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit challenging the FCC’s elimination or relaxation of several media ownership rules. The rules prohibited a single entity from owning an excessive number of newspaper, radio, and television entities within a local market.

Media & Democracy 04.15.2019

Broadcasting & Cable: Prometheus Et al. Fire Back at FCC Over Ownership Dereg

“The Third Circuit has told the FCC on multiple occasions to examine how its media ownership rules impact race and gender ownership diversity," said Michael Copps, former FCC chairman and special advisor to Common Cause (one of the petitioners). "The FCC has not only failed to assess the impact of its rules on minority ownership but has also abandoned its rules all together. We urge the Court to reverse this unlawful decision and require the FCC to fulfill its statutory mandate to promote race and gender diversity in media ownership.” 

Media & Democracy 03.19.2019

Common Cause Files Petition to Deny Proposed Nexstar, Tribune Merger

Yesterday, Common Cause joined by Public Knowledge, United Church of Christ OC, Inc., and Sports Fans Coalition filed a petition with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) asking the agency to deny the proposed merger of Nexstar Media Group and Tribune Media Company. If approved, Nexstar would control 216 stations across 118 markets reaching 72 percent of U.S. households, far exceeding the Congressionally established ownership cap of 39 percent.

Media & Democracy 01.3.2019

Statement on Confirmation of Geoffrey Starks and Brendan Carr to the FCC

“Congratulations to Geoffrey Starks and Brendan Carr on their confirmation to the FCC. Returning the FCC to full strength with five commissioners will allow the agency to fully address the communications needs of all Americans. We are particularly pleased that Geoffrey Starks can finally take a seat at the agency. At a time when large telecom and media gatekeepers threaten to harm our democracy, we need another strong voice for protecting an open internet, ensuring all Americans have affordable access to broadband, and putting an end to out-of-control media and telecom consolidation.”

Media & Democracy 12.21.2018

Common Cause Urges Court to Protect Broadcast Ownership Diversity in FCC Lawsuit

Today, Common Cause, joined by Prometheus Radio Project, Media Mobilizing Project, Free Press, Office of Communication, Inc. of the United Church of Christ, and National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians-Communications Workers of America, filed a petitioner’s brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit requesting the Court vacate its 2017 Reconsideration Order, which eliminated or relaxed several media ownership rules. The rules prohibited a single entity from owning too many newspaper, radio, and television entities within a local market. The petitioners also asked the Court to reverse and remand the FCC’s 2016 Second Report and Order and 2018 Incubator Order to the extent they repeal or modify media ownership rules without examining the impact to broadcast ownership diversity.

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