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Net Neutrality

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Media & Democracy 07.17.2018

Common Cause Applauds Congressman Coffman for Signing Discharge Petition to Restore Net Neutrality

Today Congressman Mike Coffman announced he is signing the discharge petition to restore the FCC’s net neutrality rules. Congressman Coffman will be the first House republican to sign the discharge petition.

Media & Democracy 06.11.2018

The Hill: What the net neutrality repeal means

"Eliminating Net Neutrality is the most hostile action against consumers that the FCC has ever taken. And it’s a body blow to free speech and our very democracy," said Michael Copps, former FCC Commissioner and special adviser for Common Cause’s Media and Democracy Reform Initiative.

Media & Democracy 06.11.2018

Net Neutrality Repeal in Effect but Fight to Restore Rules Far from Over

Today, the Federal Communications Commission’s repeal of its net neutrality rules officially goes into effect. Internet service providers will now be free to block, throttle, or create fast lanes and slow lanes by charging websites extra fees to prioritize their content.

Media & Democracy 05.16.2018

Common Cause Applauds Senate for Passing Joint Resolution to Restore Net Neutrality

Common Cause applauds the Senate for passing the joint resolution to restore net neutrality. Special thanks to Senator Markey, Senator Schumer and others for their leadership on this important resolution to undo the FCC’s net neutrality repeal.

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