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Trump Administration/Executive Ethics

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Congress Must Be Ready to Check Trump’s Abuse of Emergency Powers by Vote or in Court

Americans expect and deserve a President who respects the law and the office he holds. Donald Trump’s outrageous threats to abuse his office and his emergency powers to bypass congress and build a wall on the Mexican border are a transparent effort to get himself out of the government shutdown impasse that he created himself. Moreover, Trump’s proposed wall would do nothing to address the actual humanitarian crisis on the border.

Whitaker Refusal to Recuse & Pattern of Trump A.G. Choices Emphasize Need for Congressional Oversight

Americans expect and deserve a Department of Justice (DOJ) that is above reproach. But President Trump continues to select Attorneys General who agree with his skewed worldview that he is above the law. This hammers home the need for Congress to protect Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russia’s attacks on the 2016 election.

Money & Influence 12.19.2018

USA Today (Op-Ed): Republicans, don't be flip about Trump and hush money. Democracy isn't a partisan issue.

In Common Cause’s five-decade history, we have held both Democrats and Republicans accountable. We do this because of moments like this, when one party has moved so far in the wrong direction that it seems like democracy reform is a partisan issue. It is not, and we shouldn’t let Republican leaders in Congress make it one.

Money & Influence 12.18.2018

Washington Post: Are the Trump hush-money payments the most significant campaign finance violation ever?

“The FEC has found violations significantly larger in amount than the two Trump hush payments, and has a few more complaints still pending that allege much larger amounts in violation,” said Paul Ryan, an election law expert at Common Cause.

Money & Influence 12.15.2018

NPR (AUDIO): Trump Hush-Money Allegations

OVERBY: But at the watchdog group Common Cause, attorney Paul Seamus Ryan disagrees. He said Edwards seemed to be trying to hide the affair from his wife. By contrast, Ryan said, Cohen, Daniels, McDougal and the publisher all seemed to agree on one thing. PAUL SEAMUS RYAN: Everyone involved in this matter, except for Donald Trump, who's on the record so far has said the purpose was to influence the election. There was no ambiguity. There is no doubt. OVERBY: Ryan had a fact to add. RYAN: Hey, this wasn't Cohen and Trump's first rodeo. They've had a brush with this area of campaign finance law in the past.

Money & Influence 12.13.2018

MSNBC (VIDEO): Why it might not help Trump to compare himself to John Edwards

President Trump has been comparing the hush money payments made during his campaign to those made by John Edwards. Kristen Welker is joined by Vice President for Policy and Litigation at Common Cause, Paul Ryan, to discuss how the president’s situation compares to Edwards’ case and why that might not help him at all. Duration: 7:50

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