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Voting & Elections 08.21.2020

Associated Press: Judge rules Indiana must tell voters of nixed mail ballots

Julia Vaughn, policy director of Common Cause Indiana, said the ruling would prevent votes from being tossed out because of a flawed law. “Election laws should protect people’s right to vote and the integrity of our election system,” she said in a statement. “Indiana’s signature matching law failed to do either and wrongly disenfranchised Hoosiers.”

Voting & Elections 08.21.2020

USA Today: Judge: Indiana can't reject absentee ballots for signatures without informing voter

Common Cause of Indiana Director Julia Vaughn called the ruling "a historic win for Indiana voters." “This victory helps ensure no Hoosier voting by mail will be disenfranchised by Indiana’s flawed signature matching law," she said. "Election laws should protect people’s right to vote and the integrity of our election system. Indiana’s signature matching law failed to do either, and wrongly disenfranchised Hoosiers."

Voting & Elections 08.20.2020


“Not only did the campaign fail to provide evidence that voter fraud was a widespread problem in Pennsylvania, they failed to provide any evidence that any misconduct occurred in the primary election or that so-called voter fraud is any sort of regular problem in Pennsylvania,” said Suzanne Almeida, interim director of Common Cause PA, one of the parties in the lawsuit. The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment for this story.

Voting & Elections 08.20.2020

The Independent: Not just the postal service: Trump campaign targeting ballot drop off boxes in battleground states

“This lawsuit is part of a strategy to make it harder for eligible voters to vote in November – by introducing confusion, eliminating choices about how to return a mail ballot, and raising meritless questions about the integrity of our elections,” Suzanne Almeida, of voting rights group Common Cause Pennsylvania, told The Independent. “Drop boxes are a crucial option for voters who receive their absentee ballots too late to return them by mail. Without drop boxes, some people will be forced to choose between their health and their right to vote — and no one should have to make that choice,” she added. “Regardless of what happens in the litigation, voters should make a plan to vote, either by mail or in-person, to ensure their voices are heard on election day,” said Ms Almeida, of Common Cause. “Our government ‘of the people’ is stronger and more representative when every voter can participate.”

Voting & Elections 08.19.2020

The Independent: 'An attack on the First Amendment': Voting rights groups sue postmaster general Louis DeJoy to reverse post office reforms

“The drastic and disruptive changes to the Postal Service by the Trump administration have been an attack on every American’s right to vote and their First Amendment right to free speech – and they must be rolled back definitively with more than just a press release,” said Karen Hobert Flynn, President of Common Cause.

Voting & Elections 08.19.2020

National Urban League, Common Cause, and League of Women Voters of America v. DeJoy

Common Cause alongside our partners -- the National Urban League and League of Women Voters filed a lawsuit on August 19, 2020 that seeks to undo the changes Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has recently implemented.

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