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Voting & Elections 10.16.2020

Associated Press: NY officials optimistic about fixes to mail-in voting system

“There are always problems with every human system, but the good news is that there’s ample time to fix them and voters have plenty of options,” Common Cause New York Executive Director Susan Lerner said. “The most important thing is to make a plan to vote now, and then have a back-up plan in case you need it.”

Voting & Elections 10.16.2020

Washington Post: ‘I’ve been crying for days’: How voting became the latest of 2020’s many anxieties

“I would be very happy if it wasn’t not coming down to Pennsylvania, if we were just one of the many states one way or another,” says Suzanne Almeida, a lawyer for the state’s chapter of the watchdog group Common Cause.

Voting & Elections 10.15.2020

TIME: Have A Problem With Your Mail-In Ballot? Advocates Are Pushing States to Let You Correct It

“Just as we are making changes to our election laws… to account for COVID, we also need to account for first-time voters or people using this avenue for the first time,” argues Sylvia Albert, the director of voting and elections at the advocacy organization Common Cause.

Media & Democracy 10.15.2020

FCC Announcement to Regulate Speech on Social Media Facilitates Election Disinformation and Undermines Democracy

Today, Federal Communications Commission Chairman (FCC) Ajit Pai issued a statement announcing that the FCC will move forward with a rulemaking to clarify the scope of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. The announcement follows an Executive Order from the President and a petition for rulemaking from the Department of Commerce directing the FCC to adopt rules that set conditions on when Section 230 grants social media platforms a liability shield when they moderate content on their sites and when they do not.

Voting & Elections 10.15.2020

Newsweek: Texas AG Appeals Court Ruling Rejecting Governor's Limits on Absentee Ballot Drop-Off Sites

"Today's ruling is a relief to many Texans who qualify to vote absentee," Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of Common Cause Texas, said. "Most of these voters have disabilities and are elderly. With only one ballot return site per county, these voters would have faced challenges in travel that might have made it impossible for them to vote."

Voting & Elections 10.15.2020

Center for Public Integrity: In Ohio, Voter List Purges and Strict ID Law Could Suppress Turnout

Christine Turcer, the executive director of Common Cause Ohio, said even if the court allows additional drop boxes in coming weeks, it might be too late. “We are already voting. People already have their ballots,” Turcer said. ... “It hits different parts of the population harder than others. And clearly, when it makes it harder for people who are struggling to pay their bills, then it’s just not right,” Turner said. “It’s unfair, and people should not have unequal access to the ballot.”

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