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Voting & Elections 10.1.2020

Common Cause Georgia Urges Secretary Raffensperger to Ensure Georgians Are Not Denied the Right to Vote on November 3

"In June, Georgia voters were denied their right to vote when polling places ran out of ballots. If Secretary Raffensperger has taken any action to prevent that from happening again -- for example, by increasing the number of paper ballots in each polling place -- we haven’t heard about it."

Voting & Elections 10.1.2020

Charlotte Observer/McClatchy: One voter, two signatures: How did NC candidate’s vote appear twice in ‘08 election?

“Double voting is not really an issue in the United States,” said Common Cause Director of Voting and Elections Sylvia Albert, adding that “it’s really hard to vote twice.”

Voting & Elections 09.30.2020

Politico: Trump calls for poll watchers. Election officials call for calm.

Sylvia Albert, director of voting and elections at Common Cause, also noted that fears over mass voter intimidation efforts in past years have not materialized, even when Trump urged supporters to go to the polls in 2016. “He likes the chaos, he wants to create chaos, because he thinks it benefits him,” Albert said. ‘We don't want to give him what he wants, which is fear and intimidation and chaos.”

Associated Press: Judge says ending 2020 census on Oct. 5 may violate order

The Trump administration attorneys said the lawsuit was premature since it’s impossible to know who will be affected by the exclusion order before the head count is finished and whether the Census Bureau will come up with a method for figuring out who is a citizen. But Gregory Diskant, an attorney for one of the plaintiffs, Common Cause, said waiting to challenge the president’s memo until after the apportionment numbers are turned in would create even greater problems. 

Voting & Elections 09.29.2020

Trump Continues Attempts to Confuse Voters & Undermine Faith in Elections on Debate Stage

President Trump further attempted to confuse voters and undermine the integrity of our elections tonight. Instead of encouraging people to participate in the political process, he continued to spread lies to try to delegitimize the election results. Voters should know the truth: voting by mail is a secure, tried, and tested process with checks, balances, and safeguards. 

Media & Democracy 09.29.2020

Memo to the Media: Election 2020 Reporting Without Amplifying Disinfo

Covering the 2020 elections are a challenge for reporters: unfortunately some stories are used to amplify disinformation about voting or the election process. Here are seven key tips for journalists on how to report responsibly and cover the election without harming voters with disinformation.

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