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Ninth Circuit Denies Motion to Keep Redistricting Reform off the 2020 Ballot 

SALEM, OR—The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit today declined to halt implementation of a Federal District Court decision, in People Not Politicians Oregon v. Clarno, giving redistricting reform advocates more time to gather signatures with a lower signature threshold to place Initiative Petition 57 (IP 57) on Oregon’s 2020 November ballot.  

Voting & Elections 07.22.2020

Groups Urge Senate to Include Election Funding in New COVID-19 Relief Package

Last night, 30+ organizations from the Declaration for American Democracy (DFAD) coalition urged the U.S. Senate Committee on Rules & Administration to include vital funding to bolster state and local elections officials facing unprecedented burdens in holding elections amidst the COVID-19 pandemic amidst massive budget shortfalls. In a letter organized by Common Cause to every member of the Committee yesterday, more than 30 groups emphasized the importance supporting the $3.6 billion in election funding that was included in the House-passed Heroes Act in order to safeguard our elections against multiple threats at home and abroad.

Voting & Elections 07.20.2020

Washington Post: Hogan defends use of all polling sites, requiring applications for mail-in ballots

“We don’t believe that Gov. Hogan is acting in the best interest of Maryland voters,” said Joanne Antoine, executive director of Common Cause Maryland, noting that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended that voters consider alternatives to casting ballots in person.

Voting & Elections 07.20.2020

USA Today: Election lawsuits set record pace amid COVID-19 pandemic as results decide who votes and how Nov. 3

“On the positive side, the judges ruled that expired photo student IDs can be used as proof of identity to vote,” said Jay Heck, the executive director of Common Cause in Wisconsin, who called the state's rules among the most restrictive in the country.

Voting & Elections 07.19.2020

NBC News THINK (Op-Ed): Trump's 2020 USPS appointment could corrupt a key institution ahead of Election Day

Throughout his presidency, Donald Trump has attacked democratic institutions and undermined independent agencies. Now, as millions of voters are relying on the Postal Service to support our elections during the coronavirus pandemic, Trump is politicizing another once-nonpartisan government agency. Having a political ally with ethical and competence questions like DeJoy lead the agency potentially puts November's election at risk.

Voting & Elections 07.18.2020

America has Lost a Hero with the Passing of Rep. John Lewis

America has lost one of its greatest heroes. Rep. John Lewis spent his life fighting injustice, and this nation owes him an enormous debt of gratitude. Through decades of tireless and selfless work, Rep. Lewis left the United States a far better and more just nation than the one he was born into.

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