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Voting & Elections

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Voting & Elections 05.11.2020

The Hill (Op-Ed): What Congress and states must do to have safe and fair elections amidst the COVID-19 pandemic

The sight of long lines of voters outside polling places in Wisconsin was both inspiring and heartbreaking, because those voters never should have been there amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The debacle in Wisconsin showed why we need state and local officials to take responsible action now to protect voting rights. We cannot let the November general election play out the way Wisconsin’s election mess did, with voters forced to choose between their health and their right to vote.

Voting & Elections 05.11.2020

Chicago Tribune (Op-Ed): Sorry, but not all of us can vote from home

The need for meaningful community engagement is not limited to decisions about in-person polling places. Effective policymaking requires this kind of engagement for the entire slate of reforms needed for safe and healthy voting in November, from expanded early-voting options to full language access. No voter should risk their health in order to exercise their fundamental right to cast a ballot. But if we do not preserve in-person voting, we will risk the health of our democracy.

Voting & Elections 05.11.2020

Philadelphia Inquirer: Civil rights groups seek to block Judicial Watch lawsuit and avoid a purge of Pennsylvania voter rolls

“Lawsuits like these are designed to force counties to pull eligible voters off the rolls, and that’s just not the way democracy is supposed to work,” said Suzanne Almeida, interim executive director for Common Cause Pennsylvania.

Voting & Elections 05.8.2020

Sen. Klobuchar & Sen. Wyden to Discuss COVID-19 Election Priorities at Common Cause Town Hall

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) joined Common Cause experts and members, and journalists in a town hall webinar to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on this year’s elections and the preparations that must be made, and precautions taken, to safeguard our democracy.

Voting & Elections 05.6.2020

Washington Post: Ann McBride Norton, who led Common Cause and championed campaign-finance laws, dies at 75

“Saints are those who agree with your cause and will fight for it until the bitter end,” McBride observed in her mellifluous Louisiana lilt. “Sinners are those who vehemently oppose your cause and will to the day they die. People in the first two categories will never switch their opinions. It’s the savables, those caught in the middle, we all try to sway because there’s hope for them.”

Voting & Elections 05.6.2020

Ann McBride, former Common Cause President, Passes Away at 75

I am very sorry to announce that Ann McBride, who served in many capacities at Common Cause, including President, passed away on May 5. She was 75 and had been in declining health. Ann is an important part of Common Cause’s history and was a cherished mentor and role-model to me. Ann’s message was clear. Our victories were, she would often say, a message of hope for citizens – a reminder that working together, we all could make a difference in our government and our world.

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