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Voting & Elections 05.19.2019

Dallas Morning News: Controversial Texas voting bill likely dead this year after failing to be set for debate

"This is a huge win for voting rights and against voter suppression," Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of Common Cause Texas, said in a prepared statement Sunday. "These fights are not over and we continue to be vigilant in watching for attempts to amend pieces of SB 9 onto other bills."

Voting & Elections 05.16.2019

Common Cause Indiana Files Challenge to Indiana’s Unconstitutional Absentee Ballot Signature Match Rejections 

Today, Common Cause Indiana and several registered voters in Saint Joseph County – Mary Frederick, John Justin Collier, William Marks Jr., and Minnie Lee Clark – filed suit against Secretary of State Connie Lawson and members of the St. Joseph County Election Board for rejecting outright their absentee ballots with purported signature mismatches in violation of their due process and equal protection rights under the federal constitution.

Voting & Elections 05.16.2019

Indianapolis Star: Indiana threw out ballot of woman with Parkinson's disease over signature, lawsuit says

Common Cause President Karen Hobert Flynn said in an emailed statement that the practice has stripped too many Hoosiers of their voice in government.“This system is deeply flawed and we trust the court will side with the voters who were wrongly and unknowingly disenfranchised and end this unconstitutional and undemocratic system once and for all," she said.

Voting & Elections 05.15.2019

Russian Attacks on Florida County Voting Systems Must Be Countered with Action and Federal Funds

Floridians expect and deserve to know that state and federal officials are taking proper precautions to safeguard the integrity of election systems. As a perennial election battleground state, we know that we are and will remain a target. New revelations that not one, but two Florida county election systems were breached by Russian hackers during the 2016 election cycle raise serious concerns that must be addressed by state officials and the U.S. Congress.

Voting & Elections 05.15.2019

Miami Herald: The FBI classified the names of Florida’s hacked election offices. We contacted all 67.

“2016 proved that foreign governments have much to gain from meddling in our elections,” said Liza McClenaghan, chairwoman of the Florida board of voting advocacy group Common Cause. “More attacks are on the way.”

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