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Money & Influence 05.22.2018

Bloomberg: Your Questions About Trump Jr.’s Foreign Campaign Meetings, Answered

In March, the advocacy group Common Cause alleged that Cambridge Analytica -- the firm that, through a U.K. affiliate, obtained personal data on up to 87 million Facebook users as part of its work for the Trump campaign -- violated election law by letting foreign nationals participate in the U.S. political decision-making process. Common Cause made its complaint to the Federal Election Commission and the Justice Department.

This Is No Witch Hunt

As Robert Mueller begins the second year of his investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election, Americans must insist that he has a free hand to build on already impressive results.

Voting & Elections 05.17.2018

Whistleblower: Cambridge Analytical Worked to Suppress Voter Turnout

Former Cambridge Analytical researcher Christopher Wylie says the firm spread information geared to keeping African-Americans away from the polls

Voting & Elections 05.8.2018

Primary Season Is Here and Our Elections Remain Vulnerable

State officials say $380 million Congress provided for machine upgrades isn't enough.

Who is Behind the Legal Challenge to Nonpartisan Redistricting in Michigan?

Hidden donors with apparent connections to corporate interests and Republican activists appear to be funding efforts to block a nonpartisan, anti-gerrymandering initiative.

Trump Allies Threaten to Impeach Rosenstein

As the president's allies rattle their sabers, Common Cause and allied groups are pushing senators to pass legislation protecting the investigation into Russian interference in our elections.

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