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Voting & Elections 05.19.2023

PolitiFact: Fact-checking ‘Succession’: What happens if a fire destroys 100,000 absentee ballots in Milwaukee?

A similar case would go through the court system in Wisconsin and eventually find its way to the Wisconsin Supreme Court, said Jay Heck, executive director of Common Cause in Wisconsin. Republicans may also appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. "Unfortunately, I think politics would play a role in both state Supreme Court and in the U.S. Supreme Court," Heck said, "which is why this hypothetical scenario I hope never happens, because it would be awful."

Voting & Elections 05.19.2023

Houston Chronicle: Texas lawmakers decline online voter registration bills, despite 40-plus states having the option

"We've had 130-something days and no hearings on online voter registration, but multiple hearings on criminal penalty bills or firing elections administrator bills or state takeover bills," said Katya Ehresman, the voting rights program manager for Common Cause Texas. "That is a clear priority of lawmakers, as opposed to making it easier for people to vote, and instead just kind of spread these conspiracy theories of unfounded voter fraud."

NPR: Is drawing a voting map that helps a political party illegal? Only in some states

State courts have become the battleground for partisan gerrymandering after the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark 2019 ruling in the case known as Rucho v. Common Cause. "For several decades, people in the states had held out hope that the Supreme Court would lay down a standard for finding that partisan gerrymandering had happened and potentially overruling maps where that kind of vote rigging had happened," says Kathay Feng, vice president of programs at Common Cause, the advocacy group that has also helped lead the ongoing case against a North Carolina congressional map approved by Republican state lawmakers.

Voting & Elections 05.15.2023

Politics PA: Federal Suit Over PA Voter Rolls Settled

“Today, we put Judicial Watch’s false claims about the security of our elections to rest. This settlement confirms what the vast majority of Pennsylvanians know: our elections are free and fair,” said Jill Greene, voting and elections manager at Common Cause of Pennsylvania. “We’ll continue to protect our neighbors from attempts by outside groups to rob them of their right to vote.”

Voting & Elections 05.15.2023

Delaware News Journal: Voting rights for Delaware corporations being weighed; Bill advanced to allow artificial entities say in Seaford elections

Claire Snyder-Hall, executive director of Common Cause Delaware, an organization that advocates for open government, called this an "outrageous attempt to get wealthy property owners, some of whom don't even live in Delaware, an unfair say in town elections." "We're seeing attacks on freedom to vote all over the country, and mostly Republicans trying to create barriers to voting," she told Delaware Online/The News Journal. "And this is kind of a different way of getting at the same thing, right? "It's like 'Oh, we can't restrict people, but let's empower other people to vote. Let's empower the companies to vote," she said. "And so it dilutes the votes of everyday people in a different way."

Voting & Elections 05.15.2023

Texas Tribune: Eliminating countywide voting in Texas would make the process harder on voters, cost more money, election leaders say

“It is stunning to me that this bill has moved forward,” said Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of Common Cause Texas. “Countywide voting is the solution to so many problems.” “If we end countywide voting, we are just ramping up more and more confusion for Texans,” Gutierrez said. He pointed to a study by the University of Houston Hobby School of Public Affairs, which found that confusion over voter ID laws kept some people from voting in Harris County.

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