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Voting & Elections 08.24.2022

ABC News: False accusations of election fraud prompt some election workers across the US to quit ahead of Election Day

Sylvia Albert, the director of voting and elections at the nonpartisan government watchdog group Common Cause, said that the increased retirements and resignations mean that the country must invest in "the infrastructure to train the next generation of election workers." "We're going to run an election and we're going to make sure people can vote -- we're just going to have to use all hands on deck," she said of the upcoming midterms. "But we should be looking towards a long-term solution of proper investment in the election system."

Voting & Elections 08.22.2022

USA Today: In 2024 preview, new Florida laws for primary could make it harder to cast ballots

“A lot of people have questions about this new law,” said Amy Keith, program director for the good government group Common Cause Florida.

Media & Democracy 08.20.2022

Washington Post: In new election, Big Tech uses old strategies to fight 'big lie’

“The ‘big lie’ has become embedded in our political discourse, and it’s become a talking point for election-deniers to preemptively declare that the midterm elections are going to be stolen or filled with voter fraud,” said Yosef Getachew, a media and democracy program director at the liberal-leaning government watchdog Common Cause. “What we’ve seen is that Facebook and Twitter aren’t really doing the best job or any job in terms of removing and combating disinformation that’s around the ‘big lie'.”

Voting & Elections 08.19.2022

Gray TV (VIDEO): Democratic candidates, elections official, government watchdog group say Florida’s elections are secure following Gov. DeSantis’ announcement revealing alleged fraud in 2020 election

Meanwhile, good government groups like Common Cause Florida say some voters have come to them with confusion about casting their ballots because of new state laws restricting mail-in voting. “We’ve also seen that in many cases, in counties where under the Voting Rights Act they’re required to have signage and materials in both Spanish and English, that we haven’t seen the same level of signage in Spanish,” said Amy Keith, CCF’s program director.

Voting & Elections 08.17.2022

Indianapolis Star (Op-Ed): Jan. 6 insurrection 'startling' but catalyst to continue to fight for democracy

Not every member of my generation has given up on democracy. Motivated by the turmoil of present day American politics, we have taken to political activism. Protests are a peaceful way to express concern or disagreement. However, activism can only push the political agenda so far. While protests bring attention to issues, they don’t always force politicians to enact the change citizens want. We’ve got to follow up our protests with informed voting in every election and persuade our peers to do the same.

Voting & Elections 08.15.2022

Baltimore Sun/Tribune News Service: Maryland election officials seek to count mail-in ballots earlier, reduce delays after primary results that took weeks

Before the State Board of Election’s decision Monday, the good government group Common Cause Maryland sent a letter to Hogan asking him to issue another executive order for this year’s election. “Failure to take action will allow time and space for election deniers to propagate lies and conspiracy theories about our elections,” the letter read, referencing concerns some had before the primary that candidates whose standings in the tallies changed during the mail-in ballot counting could make claims of election fraud.

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