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Voting & Elections 04.23.2022

Associated Press: In election misinformation fight, ’2020 changed everything’

The voting advocacy group Common Cause will rely on thousands of volunteers like Bowers to identify misinformation floating around online and push for Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms to take down the most egregious falsehoods. False claims about voting times, locations or eligibility, for example, are banned across Twitter and Meta’s platforms, which include Facebook and Instagram. During the 2020 election, platforms applied fact checks, labeled or removed more than 300 pieces of popular, false content that Common Cause turned up. More recently, in Texas, more than 100 volunteers worked four-hour shifts to monitor false claims coming out of the state’s primary election in March. The most frequent conspiracy theory shared that night claimed that staffing shortages at polling locations were deliberate, Bowers noted. “Texas is kind of the playbook for things to come,” said Emma Steiner, a disinformation analyst for the group. “My major concern is that local issues, like with these staff or ballot shortages, will be amplified by influencers or partisan actors with a national platform as signs of malign interference in elections; it’s a pretty recognized pattern from 2020.”

Voting & Elections 04.20.2022

Common Cause Scorecard Charts Lawmaker Support for Pro-Democracy Bills in 117th Congress

As 2022 congressional races ramp up, Common Cause is again tracking the positions of every Member of Congress on issues vital to the health of our democracy. Members of the House and Senate have received letters asking them to co-sponsor and support at least 15 democracy reform bills and informing them that their voting and co-sponsorship record will be published in Common Cause’s “Democracy Scorecard,” which will be distributed to our 1.5 million members, as well as to state and national media, during the lead-up to Election Day.

Voting & Elections 04.14.2022

New York Daily News: Democrats back election law change to remove former Lt. Gov. Brian Benjamin from ballot

“This is a problem for New Yorkers who will confront a ballot that does not reflect the reality of the field, and may end up throwing away their vote on a candidate who is not running for office,” said Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause/NY. “It’s simply unfair and wrong to present the voters with a false choice.”

Voting & Elections 04.12.2022

Associated Press: Congress seeks input on election reform in New Mexico

Heather Ferguson of the progressive watchdog group Common Cause New Mexico said New Mexico stands out as a “beacon of light” against states proposing to restrict voting access. She also called attention to vehicle caravans in recent elections that block or intimidate voters at polling locations.

Voting & Elections 04.5.2022

Reuters: Georgia Republicans pass bill empowering law enforcement to investigate elections

"This year's rushed process looks likely to cost Georgia taxpayers $580,000 a year – which will be spent chasing conspiracy theories," Aunna Dennis, the executive director of Common Cause Georgia, a good government group, said in a statement.

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