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Voting & Elections 08.10.2021

MAINE – Clergy and Faith Leaders Urge Sens. Collins and King to “Support the ‘For the People Act’”

Say the legislation “is the bold, comprehensive bill we need because the threats to our democracy are deep, systemic, and wide-ranging”

Voting & Elections 08.6.2021

Fifty-Sixth Anniversary of President Johnson Signing the Voting Rights Act of 1965

On this day 56 years ago, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act of 1965 into law, with Civil Rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at his side. Congress passed the legislation in response to a broad and diverse coalition of civil rights advocates’ unrelenting calls for stronger voting rights protections. 

Voting & Elections 08.5.2021

Austin American-Statesman: Abbott calls second special session as House Democrats remain in Washington

"The decision to call a second special session is nothing more than a partisan power grab to distract us from the real challenges our communities face, like taking action to slow the spread of the delta variant and address our failing energy grid," said Stephanie Gómez, associate director of Common Cause Texas.

Voting & Elections 07.30.2021

Associated Press: Experts raise alarms over fundraising for GOP ballot reviews

“You are not giving them a real audit at the end of the day,” Susannah Goodman, an election security expert with Common Cause, said of the GOP reviews in Arizona and elsewhere. “It’s like going to a snake oil medicine doctor and paying him a lot of money and he gives you a bottle of green goop saying this will cure your cancer.”

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