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Voting & Elections 10.19.2018

American Public Media Reports (AUDIO): They Didn't Vote ... Now They Can't

"The population in the state has increased and grown above the national average," Atlanta-based attorney, and Common Cause Board Member, Emmet Bondurant recalled thinking. "And yet the number of registered voters [was] going down."

Voting & Elections 10.17.2018

McClatchy: If you’re turned away at the polls, these are the 10 words you need to know

But most versions of the meme suggest insisting on a receipt as well. A receipt allows voters to follow up and check if their vote has been counted, said Allegra Chapman, senior counsel and director of voting and elections for Common Cause, according to Snopes.

Voting & Elections 09.25.2018

Help Welcome Formerly Incarcerated Individuals Back to the Voting Booth

Many formerly incarcerated people can vote, but they don't know it. Giving people returning to our communities a say in their future helps to distance them from the past. Common Cause proudly joins the Campaign Legal Center in an effort to register 25,000 people who are eligible to vote -- join us in creating hope in the future and imagine the moment when the people you help register put on an "I voted" sticker for the first time.

Voting & Elections 09.25.2018

The Purges: A Cautionary Tale for National Voter Registration Day

Today is National Voter Registration Day and Common Cause makes it easy to verify your vote and register if you need to. Even if you don't need to, here is why you should, and why you should share this Democracy Wire post on Facebook and Twitter urging your friends to do the same.

New Scorecard Charts Pro-Democracy Positions for Members of the 115th Congress

With Election Day now less than two months away, Common Cause released its 2018 Democracy Scorecard to chart the positions of every Member of Congress on issues vital to the health of our democracy. The reforms in question range from legislation to create a small donor matching fund system and increased disclosure requirements for outside political groups to bills to curb gerrymandering and strengthen the protections in the Voting Rights Act.

Voting & Elections 09.11.2018

Are You Voting for the First Time? Mother Jones Wants to Hear from You!

With voter registration across the country up and large turnouts in special elections leading up to the mid-terms, the folks at Mother Jones are hoping to hear from first-time voters.

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