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Voting & Elections 08.1.2018

Associated Press: Judge: Michigan Can't Eliminate Straight-Party Voting

Karen Hobert Flynn, the president of Common Cause, which joined in the lawsuit along with some black voters, called it a "big win for Michigan voters. The evidence in this case and Judge Drain's decision makes clear that the Michigan legislature intentionally discriminated against African Americans for partisan political purposes."

Associated Press: Attorneys: North Carolina Congress remap claims still valid

"Our plaintiffs clearly have standing and have suffered real harm by the legislature's extreme partisan gerrymandering," Bob Phillips, executive director of Common Cause North Carolina, said in a release. "This case is key to protecting the constitutional right of citizens in North Carolina and across the nation to have a voice in choosing their representatives."

Voting & Elections 07.10.2018

Election Cybersecurity Congressional Briefing: Facebook Live Recording

It was almost two years ago that we first became aware of attacks on our election system by Russia. As we approach 2018, Americans understandably want to know about cybersecurity, what is being done to strengthen the integrity of our elections. Today, a congressional briefing with leading experts makes these complex issues accessible and understandable. A link to a Facebook Live recording is available for you to watch and share with others.

WSJ’s Seib Partially Diagnoses What Ails Democracy

In his recent Wall Street Journal column, Gerry Seib gives only a partial diagnosis for what ails our democracy and points toward a partial remedy. He's right about one thing though, the dis-ease many Americans feel is dangerous to the future of self-governance, so we best get this right.

Money & Influence 07.5.2018

What Part of “Liberty and Justice for ALL” Don’t People Understand?

Slate's Jamelle Bouie lays it out plain as day, we live under minority rule engineered by changing the rules of our elections through vote suppression and gerrymandering targeting certain populations. It's long past time we talk about it.

McClatchy: With Kennedy gone from Supreme Court, what's next for NC gerrymandering case?

The North Carolina case has an element not present in the Wisconsin or Maryland cases. Bob Phillips, executive director of Common Cause North Carolina, called it the "so-called smoking gun."

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